Social Skills Group Options



AGES: [7-8] & [9-10]

In this group we focus on learning the fundamentals of social skills. This includes, but is not limited to learning about self-regulating, good manners, active listening, eye gazing, appropriate voice volume, appropriate reactions, not interrupting, turn-taking, and reading basic facial expressions.

Kids are greatly impacted by the sounds and people around them. We create a safe and nurturing environment that ensures they learn the skills to be a good friend and to navigate in their community socially with confidence. We provide new lesson plans each week that we feel will accomplish these goals.


AGES: [11-12]

In this group we focus on delving more into social skills in regards to being a pre-teen. This includes, but is not limited to learning about being a good friend, understanding differences between acquaintances, friends, and strangers , appropriate responses, personal space, not interrupting, and introducing outings with other group members.

Tweens (pre-teens) are a group of their own because they have unique needs. Tweens are trying to fit in with their peers. They are going through a lot of changes and oftentimes don’t understand what they are feeling. We want to make sure the students have the ability to speak freely without feeling judged and have peers who can share and relate to their struggles. They learn the difference between a friend and an acquaintance, how to identify a topic of common interest, how to deal with bullies and other topics. We also ensure they have all the basic skills learned at the kid level if not achieved. We provide new lesson plans and activities each week that we feel will accomplish these goals.


AGES: [13-15] & [16-17]

In this group we focus on the ups and downs of being a teenager. During this time there are often situations that our students may want to participate in, but are unsure of how to go begin. They may feel isolated and lack self-confidence to join their peers at school. We focus on identifying common interests, how to initiate, sustain and join a conversation appropriately. They learn the different types of compliments and how to use them in a conversation. Different types of humor and what is appropriate.

The teens learn to identify and verbalize feelings rather than acting out. Basic social etiquette is reviewed and tools to self-regulate when needed is provided. Many are isolated and have few friends. Friendship is fostered and experienced through weekly phone calls and a monthly outing. Goals are established according to each individual’s needs. Basic skills are reviewed to ensure they are mastered. Repletion is the key to success in teaching social skills.

Young Adults

AGES: [18-23]

This group deals with the challenges of no longer having the routine of high school. Many feel isolated and struggle to make connections with their peers. Some need to review basic skills relying on role playing, videos, and our lesson plans. Reading more complex facial expressions, body language and dating is taught at this level. How self-esteem is tied into dealing with mean/rude people. Personal goals, including where each individual struggles, is addressed. Outings are carried out to ensure social etiquette, sustaining and joining a conversation are experienced in their natural environment.

We strive to support the individual to feel confident and advocate for themselves at home and in their community. We have the young adults consider what their strengths are and what their goals for their future is. We foster friendships and build self-confidence to face new challenges moving towards independence.


AGES: [23+]

This group focuses more on refining social skills and covering topics that are often associated with this age group. Our students are looking for employment, sometimes have jobs, going to college, lack confidence to go out in the community to make friends of even date. Whatever the situation, we make sure to discuss obstacles that may be encountered and ways to overcome stressors and frustration. Job searching may be underway during this age range and it is beneficial to understand what our students are feeling. This group also touches on dating in order to help our students organize and plan a date, while also discussing appropriate dating behavior.

Reviewing the social component to interviewing can be the key to developing confidence and success. We address reading complex facial expressions or dealing with difficult customers, co-workers, or employers. Most importantly what does it mean to be an adult? Identifying their strengths and establishing goals in order to build self-confidence. Learning how to communicate appropriately with their peers and sustaining friendships is experienced is one of our main goals in this group.

*Evening classes are currently offered Monday through Friday

**Saturday classes are currently only offered in the morning